We ❤ our Heritage Ambassadors!

Heritage Ambassadors are our uber-volunteers. They are passionate about the stewardship of our region’s heritage, whether it be the conservation of our natural resources or the preservation of historic treasures and cultural traditions. Ambassadors contribute their skills, seek to expand their knowledge of our work, and represent our mission within their spheres of influence.

Meet Our Heritage Ambassadors

Eva-Lou Harris
Judy Burgard, Historic Research Specialist
Judy helps bring to life the historical stories or our Heritage Area.

“My appreciation for the cultural significance of our landscape, history and people was formed initially while working two college summer breaks at national park concessions. I have enjoyed this region while hiking, camping, birdwatching, reading historical accounts, attending festivals and fiestas, and exploring museums over the 50 years I have lived here with my family. Since retiring, my volunteer activities at Historic Canoa Ranch have deepened my commitment to providing an opportunity for visitors and residents to enjoy our unique rural heritage, stories, plants, wildlife, and expansive views. I look forward to assisting the Heritage Area formalize experiences on a wider scale over time.”

Eva-Lou Harris
Eva-Lou Harris, PhD Candidate, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Arizona
Eva Lou works tirelessly in stewarding our living landscapes.
“Several experiences in my life, especially in the past year, have led me to develop a greater awareness of the cultural history and biological diversity of the Santa Cruz Valley. I have developed a deep desire to connect with, honor, learn, serve, and demonstrate my respect for the land I live on and the people who have lived and flourished here for thousands of years. I am so grateful and excited to serve as a Heritage Ambassador where I hope to (i) expand my knowledge and appreciation for this beautiful region, (ii) to build bridges between the original inhabitants of this land, their descendants, and all others currently occupying this space, and (iii) to take action in preserving the ecosystems and resources that are vital to the health and sustainability of the valley.”
Eva-Lou Harris
Nicole Lombardo, Grant Writer
Nicole Lombardo gets deep in the weeds to search for funding opportunities.
“My deep connection to the Sonoran Desert and curiosity for the cultures that shaped life in our region and continue to be a critical influence in our community align with the mission the SCVHA aims to preserve. I enjoy desert hikes, exploring birding habitats, and discovering new heritage experiences available throughout the SCVHA. I volunteer my time with the NHA supporting their funding efforts and expanding my knowledge of our natural and cultural environments.”
Stephanie Marbella
Stephanie Marbella, Master’s Candidate, Data Science, University of Arizona
Stephanie provides solutions and assistance with technology and outreach.
“I volunteer to help and support the Santa Cruz Valley Heritage Area’s information science and technology needs (e.g., website design, database analysis, and database management). My lifelong goal is to contribute to the preservation of indigenous heritage, culture, and arts in southern Arizona.”

Do YOU  ❤  the Santa Cruz Valley? Become a Heritage Ambassador!

• Increase your knowledge of the area’s natural, cultural, and historic treasures.
• Enjoy enriching heritage experiences.
• Share your passion and expertise with others.
• Support the organization with operational tasks by lending your skills.

Becoming an Ambassador involves an accrual of 10 volunteer hours per year, after which you’ll be officially designated a Heritage Ambassador with recognition on our website, social media platforms, and aligned to represent and contribute to our mission wherever you see fit!

Learn more. Email ambassadors@santacruzheritage.org today!