We Need You

With 3,300 square miles of land full of treasures worth cherishing, there’s a lot of work to be done, and we can’t do it alone.

Join us in creating a future that includes the cultural traditions, historic places, working landscapes, and natural assets of the Santa Cruz Valley!

With your support, the Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area will:

  • Promote unique heritage destinations and experiences through tourism projects to increase awareness and visitation.
  • Preserve vanishing food traditions by increasing community awareness of agricultural heritage and the food unique to the culture of our region.
  • Partner with organizations, government agencies, and private businesses to carry out the goals and objectives of the Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area.

Below are just some of the ways you can support our efforts:

Tumacácori National Historical Park at night. Photo courtesy Pete Gregoire.

TAX ID/EIN #83-4384170.Donate

Our federal funding takes us half-way toward our goals. For every federal dollar we are granted, we must raise at least $1 in matching support. Consider making a tax-deductible cash donation or spread out your investment with a reoccurring donation.

Click on the Donate button to support our efforts today!

As a 501(c)(3) organization your support is fully tax deductible.

In-Kind Support

You or your business can also support us through a tax-deductible donation of goods or services—from snacks and beverages that fuel our volunteers to professional services that keep our organization and outreach running.

Please email our Executive Director, Lesley Kontowicz: lesley@santacruzheritage.org


With a staff of two, we can always use a helping hand—whether it’s joining us with table support at outreach events, assisting with administrative tasks, or rolling up your sleeves at a river clean-up, if you’ve got a few hours, we’ve got a job for you!

Please fill out this volunteer interest form HERE.

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities:

Grant Writing/Research (Please email lesley@santacruzheritage.org for more information)

Database Administrator (Please email lesley@santacruzheritage.org for more information)

Heritage Ambassador Program

You can become an important voice to help promote our mission—to connect people to the historical and cultural foundations and the living landscape of the Santa Cruz Valley and actively work towards its long-term stewardship. Learn more about our Heritage Ambassador program here or email us at: ambassadors@santacruzheritage.org.


Are you passionate about conservation and preservation? Do you have a project in mind that would benefit our efforts while you also earn class credit? Contact us to see how we might put together a project or program that benefits both of us.

Please email our Executive Director, Lesley Kontowicz: lesley@santacruzheritage.org

We hope you will join us in preserving and promoting our unique heritage in ways that stimulate economic and multi-cultural recovery of our region. Reach out today!