Heritage Murals (Our Modern-Day Pictographs)

We believe that murals are like modern-day pictographs — community art that illustrates and documents that which we value in our society. Perhaps someday, hundreds of years from now, someone will happen upon one of our murals and glean something about the people who lived in the Santa Cruz Valley. However, you do not have to wait hundreds of years! Enjoy our cultural heritage today in one of the following areas:

Nogales – Las Primas (2021)

Tucson’s Old Pascua Neighborhood – Yoeme Unidos (2022)

Tubac Presidio State Historic Park & Museum – Ribbon of Life (2022)

Tucson’s Watershed Management Group’s Living Lab – The Growth of a Thriving Future (2023)

Tucson’s Mission Garden – When We Do It Together (2024)

Desert Dwellers Mural – Everybody Needs a Rock (2024)